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Our Vision!

It means “Knowledge, Services, and Sacrifice”.
In the present era of knowledge, every child should get the education. The necessary services should be provided to them to get quality education to develop responsible citizen, intellect with moral values.

Our Mission!

To sensitize the students to ethical, social and cultural values to make an enlightened nation and strive for mass welfare and happiness through spread of education.

Vision and Mission

Our Objectives!

The college is committed to achieve the vision and mission statements in terms of the following objectives.

  1. To provide necessary but quality education to the students from hilly and rural areas which belongs to socially and economically backward classes so as to make them globally competent.
  2.  To inculcate social, human values such as equity, kindness, honesty, discipline.
  3. To promote the values regarding social services, secularism, nationalism, scientific temperament, environmental awareness.

These are communicated with the students, teachers and stakeholders through website, prospectus, and hoardings. The principal addresses to newly admitted students at the welcome function whereas the parents-meet platform is used to address the stakeholders. Besides, various activities have been organised throughout the academic year so as to make everyone aware about the vision and the mission.