Competitive Exam Guidance
Career Counseling:
Career Counseling is a process that will help to the students to know and understand themselves and make them able to take the correct decisions in order to make their career, education and life in world of work. Career development is more than just deciding on a major and what job they want to get after you graduated, it is a lifelong process through the proper guidance and experience exchange from the experts, meaning that throughout students’ life they will change, their situations will change, and they will continually have to make career and life decisions. The goal of Career Counseling is to not only help them to make the decisions they need to make now, but to give them the knowledge and skills they need to make future career and life decisions.
Your Career Counselor WILL:
- Help you figure out who you are and what you want out of your education, your career, and your life
- Be someone for you to talk to about your thoughts, ideas, feelings, and concerns about your career and educational choices, who will help you sort out, organize, and make sense of your thoughts and feelings.
- Help you identify the factors influencing your career development, and help you assess your interests, abilities, and values.
- Help you locate resources and sources of career information.
- Help you to determine next steps and develop a plan to achieve your goals.
Your Career Counselor WON’T:
- Tell you what to do, or tell you what you should major in or what career you should pursue.
- Advise you in course selection or scheduling.
Competitive Exam Guidance:
Competitive Examination Guidance Centre is established in our college under this committee. This center has been striving to provide the proper path to the students. This committee has specific aim to give insights of MPSC, UPSC and other competitive examinations to the students. The Centre endeavors to accomplish the following objectives.
- To spread awareness about competitive examinations among the students (living in rural, remote and hilly area where the college is located), and to create and sustain their interest in the respective field.
- To introduce the students the nature of different competitive examinations, its syllabi, various advertisements, the structure of examinations etc.
- To provide the basic knowledge of necessary preparations like pre-examination preparation, post-examination preparation, basic preparations for the interview skills, etc.